Bananas: Behind The Film
Through a playful experimental short, “Bananas” reclaims the male gaze to poke fun at the over-sexualization of women in media.
“Bananas” is an experimental short film poking fun at the over-sexualization of women in media and the performativity of women for the patriarchy.
The film begins by teasing the male gaze only to confront it with the shock value of disgust. As the short progresses, the hyper performative seduction slowly breaks down to reveal the protagonist’s perspective. In other words, she gains agency and breaks character to abandon the role she is given as a passive object of desire.
The film’s vintage 60's vibe aesthetic echos the fact these modes of representation are still relevant today despite their outdated nature. The hyperbolic look of the film was inspired by the artistic styles of Barnaby Roper, Andrea Pecora, Dent de Cuir, Barbara Metz and Eve Racine.
Naturally, when dealing with delicate topics and complex issues, certain questions arise: What if a woman has chosen to portray herself sexually? Certainly, a woman should have the right to be sexual if she chooses to without being shamed. But then, how do we distinguish between a deliberate sexual performance and one that is gratuitous and imposed?
For me, this issue boils down to my belief that every individual should have the freedom to do what they desire with their bodies as long as it is not harmful to themselves or others. One thing is clear to me: there is still a lot of work to be done to accurately portray the strength, complexity, and intellectual range of a woman in media. Of course, this is an intricate subject that calls for a far more nuanced and developed discussion. This short is simply intended to add to the dialogue on female objectification and misrepresentation in film, television, and advertising.